Business orders


Off course, you can also place business orders on our webshop. You can fill in your company name in the purchasing process. You can also register for a business account with your company name, VAT number and all your delivery addresses. You will receive your invoice per e-mail with all the information you need for your administration after the placement of your order.

Customized offer

In the case you wish to order a larger quantity of products, we advise you to contact our customer service for a customized offer. Our customer service can advise you on the desired products and inform you about our stock in our warehouse. When we ordered the extra products from our supplier, we can provide you with a good estimation of the delivery time.

Payment for Business

You can pay us by means of iDeal, Visa, Mastercard or a prepayment via a bank transfer. Belgian companies can also pay by means of Bancontact / Mister Cash. For all countries in Europe we have a country specific paying method available.